티스토리 뷰

Scholastic Level 4 - News 2


Scholastic Level 4 - News 2  

스콜라스틱 4단계 - 초등학교 과정으로 아이들에게 리딩스킬을 길러주고, 아이들의 레벨에 적합한 사회적이슈를 공부하게 하여 지식을 폭넓게 배울수 있도록 구성되어 있습니다. 플래쉬로 작성된 교재라서 모바일이 아닌 컴퓨터에서 교재를 오픈하세요! 교재를 보시는 방법은 학습도우미 영상을 꼭 참조하세요.


Lesson 1. A Hero’s Story

Students learn about Martin Luther King Jr. and read a chart about ways he worked to make changes.


Lesson 2. Predator on the Ice

Students learn about arctic wolves and read a diagram of an arctic wolf.


Lesson 3. Prey on the Ice Test

Students learn about arctic hares and read a diagram of an arctic hare.


Lesson 4. Ruby the Brave

Students learn about Ruby Bridges integrating her school and read a short article about Ruby Bridges as an adult to answer questions.


Lesson 5. A New American Symbol

Students learn about bison and read a chart about three other symbols of our country.


Lesson 6. George’s Hard Winter

Students learn about George Washington during the Revolutionary War and read a timeline about George Washington.


Lesson 7. Amazing Animal Teeth

Students learn about how animals use their teeth and read a diagram of human teeth.


Lesson 8. This Is Dr. Seuss

Students learn about characteristics of Dr. Seuss’s books and identify drawings and writing by Dr. Seuss.


Lesson 9. Wild, Wild Wind

Students learn about what wind can do and read a dictionary of science and weather vocabulary.


Lesson 10. What Happened to Amelia Earhart?

Students learn about Amelia Earhart and read a short article about her disappearance to answer questions


Lesson 11. Flamingo Teamwork

Students learn about flamingo eggs, chicks, adults, and flocks and answer questions about the life cycle of a flamingo.


Lesson 12. Bugs in Your Hair?

Students learn about head lice and read a life cycle of a louse.


Lesson 13. Would You Eat These Wacky Foods?

Students learn about strange-looking fruits and vegetables and read a diagram of a carrot plant.


Lesson 14. Take Only Pictures, Leave Only Footprints

Students learn about respecting nature and read about ways to reduce, reuse, and recycle.


Lesson 15. Wheelchair Racer

Students learn about an 8-year-old wheelchair racer and read a diagram of a racing wheelchair.


Lesson 16. World’s Weirdest Animal?

Students learn about blobfish and read a chart of unusual animals.


Lesson 17. America the Beautiful

Students learn about landforms in the United States and read a map of landforms in the country.


Lesson 18. Would You Like to Be a Dolphin?

Students learn about dolphins and compare diagrams of a dolphin and a shark.


Lesson 19. The Science of Sand Castles

Students learn about building sand castles and read a sand castle graph to answer questions.


Lesson 20. Dolphins Don't Play Trumpets!

Students read a fictional story about Dexter the Dolphin and compare it to the nonfiction issue, “Hello, Dolphin!”


Lesson 21. You Can Do It!

Children will practice developing a growth mind-set through video, reading, and writing activities


Lesson 22. Second-Grade Citizens

Children will understand their rights and responsibilities as citizens and use what they learned to devise solutions to possible problems.


Lesson 23. Friends Make It Fun!

Children will identify ways to make new friends and give their own friendship advice in a writing activity.


Lesson 24. Weekends in My Community

Children will compare and contrast the three main kinds of communities and will describe their own community in a writing activity.
